I worked on a working holiday at a restaurant for a year. Eventually, my visa expired, and I left New Zealand. You can check out Working Holiday Story 13 here.
Why didn’t I choose to stay in New Zealand?
I was in New Zealand for a year, but it felt much longer. It was difficult, like torture. I finally got free.
Working holidays are a great system where people can work in specific countries basically for a year each. I planned to visit countries other than New Zealand, like the UK, Canada, and Ireland, but I gave this up. I’m not a good traveler. I don’t like sightseeing so much. For example, when I see beautiful scenery, for sure, I will think it is great, but at the same time, I would say I can have a look at it on the Internet as well. However, I like living in unfamiliarity, so I enjoyed working, shopping, and cooking in Auckland, New Zealand. Time had passed, and the unfamiliarity had become natural. Then, I believe I needed to enjoy working to enjoy my life. Except for sleep, you work the longest in your life.
I can enjoy most kinds of jobs when I do them a little bit because all jobs contain some sort of excitement. When I work every day, I get tired of repeating something. Working at a restaurant is a complete repeat. It’s fun, but 2 days a week is enough for me. I could have changed my job, but my English was not good. I didn’t have so many choices like farm jobs or cleaning. Relatively, my restaurant was great. I could take orders despite my poor English. The language barrier was huge to do what I wanted, and you need experience to work in New Zealand. In Japan, my home country, I can choose a job type.
Another reason was the human relationship. I was not trusted at all by people there. You can take a close look at it here.
I got famous among the Japanese in New Zealand. They took turns visiting me with some biases towards me, which was annoying. I wrote the details here.
My flatmates saw me off
My flatmates, my manager, and his wife kindly drove me to the airport. I was going to go to Brisbane and stay at a farm. When I leave somewhere, I feel nostalgic and sad, but this time I didn’t.
I want to say thank you to all who saw me.